Risk Management and Supplier Analysis

Risk Management and Supplier Analysis

Vendor Risk Management is where Risk Management and Supplier Analysis converge, forming a continuous and multidimensional process. It spans the entire purchasing cycle, from supplier selection to order issuance, including contract execution and potential disposal....

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AI & Voice Recognition: the perfect synergy?

AI & Voice Recognition: the perfect synergy?

AI and Voice Recognition are two technological fields that are converging in an increasingly evident way. This synergy is changing numerous sectors, from virtual assistance to autonomous driving. The potential of Voice Recognition and the predictive capabilities of...

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The rapidly accelerating of AI market

The rapidly accelerating of AI market

The AI ​​market is experiencing incredible growth. In fact, in 2023 it recorded a growth of +52%, reaching a total value of 760 million euros. This increase is particularly significant compared to the end of 2022 (+32%, still very positive). The data were highlighted...

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The sustainable future of technology

The sustainable future of technology

The connection between technology and sustainability is becoming increasingly evident in the contemporary landscape. Technological innovation advances rapidly, the need for a sustainable approach has become crucial to address global challenges. Technology plays a key...

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Risk Management: why is it so important?

Risk Management: why is it so important?

In today's world, companies compete in an extremely complex market. Risk management has become an essential part of any successful business strategy. Its fundamental function is therefore to highlight the risk factors to which companies are subjected. The objective is...

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